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What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a paradigm shift in the world of software development and deployment that enables teams to manage and provision infrastructure in a programmatic, version-controlled, and automated manner.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a paradigm shift in the world of software development and deployment that enables teams to manage and provision infrastructure in a programmatic, version-controlled, and automated manner. This approach is based on the idea of treating infrastructure as if it were software and using tools and methodologies that have traditionally been used for software development to manage and deploy infrastructure resources.


One of the key benefits of infrastructure as code is that it enables teams to create, modify, and deploy infrastructure resources quickly and consistently. Rather than relying on manual processes or customized scripts, teams can define their infrastructure using a high-level, declarative language, such as HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), and rely on tools like Terraform to manage the provisioning and deployment of their resources.

Terraform is one of the most popular and widely used infrastructure as code tools available today. Developed by HashiCorp, Terraform provides a way to define infrastructure as code using a declarative configuration language, and then provision and manage that infrastructure across a wide range of cloud providers and on-premises environments.

With Terraform, teams can define their infrastructure resources as code using a simple and easy-to-read syntax. They can then use Terraform to plan and apply changes to their infrastructure, ensuring that the desired state matches the actual state of the resources. This approach provides teams with a high level of visibility and control over their infrastructure, making it easier to manage and maintain over time.


Pulumi is another popular infrastructure as code tool that allows teams to define and manage infrastructure resources in a variety of cloud providers and on-premises environments.

Like Terraform, Pulumi allows teams to define their infrastructure resources as code using a high-level, declarative language. However, Pulumi takes a slightly different approach by allowing teams to write infrastructure code using general-purpose programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, and Go. This approach makes it easier for developers to leverage their existing skills and knowledge to define and manage infrastructure resources.

With Pulumi, teams can define their infrastructure resources using familiar programming constructs such as classes, functions, and variables. They can then use Pulumi to deploy and manage their resources across various cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

One of the key benefits of using Pulumi is its tight integration with existing programming tools and workflows. Because Pulumi code is written in general-purpose programming languages, it can be easily integrated with existing development and deployment workflows, including source control, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and testing frameworks.


In addition to Terraform and Pulumi, there are many other infrastructure as code tools available today, including CloudFormation from Amazon Web Services, Azure Resource Manager from Microsoft, and OpenStack Heat. These tools offer similar functionality, allowing teams to define, manage, and deploy their infrastructure resources in a programmatic and automated manner.

Infrastructure as code is a powerful approach that can help teams to streamline their infrastructure management and deployment processes. By treating infrastructure as code and using tools like Terraform or Pulumi, teams can create a more reliable, scalable, and efficient infrastructure that can better support the needs of their applications and services,


  • Terraform - [1]
  • Pulumi - [2]
  • Build cloud infrastructure from your CI pipeline with Pulumi - [3]
  • An intro to Infrastructure as Code- [4]